Given two discrete probability distributions P and Q, containing zero values in some bins, what is the best approach to avoid the Kullback–Leibler divergence equal to infinite (and therefore getting some finite value, between zero and one)?
Here below an example of calculation (with Matlab) of the Kullback–Leibler divergence between P and Q, which gives an infinite value. I am tempted to manually remove "NaNs" and "Infs" from "log2( P./Q )", but I am afraid this is not correct. In addition, I am not sure that smoothing the PDFs could solve the issue...
% Input
A =[ 0.444643925792938 0.258402203856749
0.224416517055655 0.309641873278237
0.0730101735487732 0.148209366391185
0.0825852782764812 0.0848484848484849
0.0867743865948534 0.0727272727272727
0.0550568521843208 0.0440771349862259
0.00718132854578097 0.0121212121212121
0.00418910831837223 0.0336088154269972
0.00478755236385398 0.0269972451790634
0.00359066427289048 0.00110192837465565
0.00538599640933573 0.00220385674931129
0.000598444045481747 0
0.00299222022740874 0.00165289256198347
0 0
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0.000598444045481747 0
0.000598444045481747 0
0 0
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824];
P = A(:,1); % sum(P) = 0.999999999
Q = A(:,2); % sum(Q) = 1
% Calculation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence
M = numel(P);
P = reshape(P,[M,1]);
Q = reshape(Q,[M,1]);
KLD = nansum( P .* log2( P./Q ) )
% Result
>> KLD
>> log2( P./Q )
ans =
So far, I found a theoretical argument, which partially solve my issue, but still, the infinite values remain when
% if P_i > 0 and Q_i = 0, then P_i*log(P_i/0) = Inf
The following is what I implemented by considering the conventions described at pag.19 of "Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas":
clear all; close all; clc;
% Input
A =[ 0.444643925792938 0.258402203856749
0.224416517055655 0.309641873278237
0.0730101735487732 0.148209366391185
0.0825852782764812 0.0848484848484849
0.0867743865948534 0.0727272727272727
0.0550568521843208 0.0440771349862259
0.00718132854578097 0.0121212121212121
0.00418910831837223 0.0336088154269972
0.00478755236385398 0.0269972451790634
0.00359066427289048 0.00110192837465565
0.00538599640933573 0.00220385674931129
0.000598444045481747 0
0.00299222022740874 0.00165289256198347
0 0
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0.000598444045481747 0
0.000598444045481747 0
0 0
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824];
P = A(:,1);
Q = A(:,2);
% some processing
M = numel(P);
P = reshape(P,[M,1]);
Q = reshape(Q,[M,1]);
% At Pag.19 of "Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas"
% (Section: 2.3 Relative Entropy and Mutual Information)
% there are three conventions to be used in the calculation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence
idx1 = find(P==0 & Q>0); % index for convention 0*log(0/q) = 0
idx2 = find(P==0 & Q==0); % index for convention 0*log(0/0) = 0
idx3 = find(P>0 & Q==0); % index for convention p*log(p/0) = Inf
% Calculation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence,
% by applying the three conventions described in "Elements of Information Theory..."
tmp = P .* log2( P./Q );
tmp(idx1) = 0; % convention 0*log(0/q) = 0
tmp(idx2) = 0; % convention 0*log(0/0) = 0
tmp(idx3) = Inf; % convention p*log(p/0) = Inf
KLD = sum(tmp)
The result is still "Inf" since some elements in the distribution Q are zeros, while the corresponding elements of P are greater than zero:
I tried to apply the softmax function to the distribution Q (in order to have Q_i>0
), but the distribution Q changes considerably:
P = A(:,1);
Q = A(:,2);
% some processing
M = numel(P);
P = reshape(P,[M,1]);
Q = reshape(Q,[M,1]);
Q = softmax(Q); % <-- this is equivalent to: Q = softmax(Q) = exp(Q)/sum(exp(Q))
% At Pag.19 of "Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas"
% (Section: 2.3 Relative Entropy and Mutual Information)
% there are three conventions to be used in the calculation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence
idx1 = find(P==0 & Q>0); % index for convention 0*log(0/q) = 0
idx2 = find(P==0 & Q==0); % index for convention 0*log(0/0) = 0
idx3 = find(P>0 & Q==0); % index for convention p*log(p/0) = Inf
% Calculation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence,
% by applying the three conventions described in "Elements of Information Theory..."
tmp = P .* log2( P./Q );
tmp(idx1) = 0; % convention 0*log(0/q) = 0
tmp(idx2) = 0; % convention 0*log(0/0) = 0
tmp(idx3) = Inf; % convention p*log(p/0) = Inf
KLD = sum(tmp)
...leading to a KLD value greater than 1:
THIRD EDITING, i.e. after further explanatory comments of @Meferne (PLEASE USE THIS CODE IF NEEDED!)
clear all; close all; clc;
format long G % <-- to see better that the "sum(Qtmp)" is greater than 1
% Input
A =[ 0.444643925792938 0.258402203856749
0.224416517055655 0.309641873278237
0.0730101735487732 0.148209366391185
0.0825852782764812 0.0848484848484849
0.0867743865948534 0.0727272727272727
0.0550568521843208 0.0440771349862259
0.00718132854578097 0.0121212121212121
0.00418910831837223 0.0336088154269972
0.00478755236385398 0.0269972451790634
0.00359066427289048 0.00110192837465565
0.00538599640933573 0.00220385674931129
0.000598444045481747 0
0.00299222022740874 0.00165289256198347
0 0
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0.000550964187327824
0.000598444045481747 0
0.000598444045481747 0
0 0
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0.000550964187327824
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0.00119688809096349 0.000550964187327824];
P = A(:,1);
Q = A(:,2);
% some processing
M = numel(P);
P = reshape(P,[M,1]);
Q = reshape(Q,[M,1]);
% renormalize the distribution Q (after the comments of @Meferne)
epsilon = 1e-12;
Qtmp = Q; % <-- assign temporarily the distribution Q to another array
Q = []; % <-- delete/empty Q
Qtmp = Qtmp + epsilon; % <-- add a small positive number (epsilon) to all Q_i
sum(Qtmp) % <-- just to check: the sum of all Q_i is now greater than 1 (as expected)
Q = Qtmp./sum(Qtmp); % <-- renormalize the distribution Q
sum(Q) % <-- just to check: the sum of all Q_i is again equal to 1 (as expected)
% At Pag.19 of "Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas"
% (Section: 2.3 Relative Entropy and Mutual Information)
% there are three conventions to be used in the calculation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence
idx1 = find(P==0 & Q>0); % index for convention 0*log(0/q) = 0
idx2 = find(P==0 & Q==0); % index for convention 0*log(0/0) = 0
idx3 = find(P>0 & Q==0); % index for convention p*log(p/0) = Inf
% Calculation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence,
% by applying the three conventions described in "Elements of Information Theory..."
tmp = P .* log2( P./Q );
tmp(idx1) = 0; % convention 0*log(0/q) = 0
tmp(idx2) = 0; % convention 0*log(0/0) = 0
tmp(idx3) = Inf; % convention p*log(p/0) = Inf
KLD = sum(tmp)
Which leads to:
sum(Qtmp) =
sum(Q) =
Let's say you were doing machine learning, and P was the ground truth probability distribution, and Q was the predicted distribution.
The goal would be to minimize the KL divergence between P and Q (in practice, the related cross-entropy, which has the same minimum point as KL).
Now, the edge case that worries you is the one where the ground truth value is different than 0, while the predicted value is zero. This is the case that would have infinite KL divergence (or infinite loss in machine learning). As you've put it, that's the case where P_i > 0
and Q_i = 0
The bottom line is that conceptually, it does make sense to define such cases to have +inf
KL divergence. That would be the maximum (infinite) loss while doing machine learning and cross-entropy loss minimization.
In practice, the question is what's your underlying reason to do this calculation in the first place.
In machine learning, you would be minimizing just the cross-entropy term
while you have the full KL
The issue for you here is the log q_i
part which diverges to -inf
at zero.
In machine learning, it would often be the softmax activation function that produces all q_i
, ensuring that they would all end up strictly positive. In addition, it is typically the logsoftmax function that does both the log and softmax calculation together, rather than first calculating q_i
and then doing the log. This approach is numerically more stable.
So, if this is relevant to your case, possibly you could go back and redefine all q_i
to become strictly positive. And if there is a softmax calculation that produces all q_i
, you can also join it with log
You can refer to this logsoftmax implementation in numpy:
As an alternative, another approach that might be relevant for you is to use Jensen-Shannon divergence instead of KL:
Since you're using this to build the Jensen-Shannon divergence the only way that you can have qi equal to zero in the calculation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence is if the pi value is also zero. This is because really you're calculating the average of dKL(p,m) and dKL(q,m), where m=(p+q)/2. So mi=0 implies both pi=0 and qi=0.
If you switch to Jensen-Shannon instead of KL, you will avoid this problem where the second distribution has zero values while the first one doesn't. In addition, this one is bounded between 0 and 1, which you also stated as a desired goal. KL divergence is not bounded.
It is based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence, with some notable (and useful) differences, including that it is symmetric and it always has a finite value.