Let's say my data frame was created like this:
df=data.frame(type=as.factor(c("tree","tree","tree","tree", "bush","bush","bush", "bush","flower", "flower", "flower", "flower")),
and now it looks like that:
> df
type age size
1 tree 5 11.00
2 tree 1 3.00
3 tree 5 16.00
4 tree 1 5.00
5 bush 5 2.00
6 bush 1 0.50
7 bush 5 3.00
8 bush 1 0.40
9 flower 5 1.00
10 flower 1 0.20
11 flower 5 0.90
12 flower 1 0.15
I want my x axis to compare the age factor 5 and 1, while having the type factor next to each other.
plot = ggplot(data = df, aes(x = age, y = size, fill=type))
plot = plot + geom_col(position = "dodge")
Now I'm really struggling with applying sensibles error bars to my columns using geom_errorbar()
. They were supposed to display the standard deviation for each column
Is this what you had in mind? where the error bar represents plus and minus one standard deviation from the mean?
df1 <- data.frame(type=as.factor(c("tree","tree","tree","tree", "bush","bush","bush", "bush","flower", "flower", "flower", "flower")),
df2 <-
df1 |>
group_by(type, age) |>
summarise(sd = sd(size),
mean_size = mean(size), .groups = "drop") |>
mutate(sd_min = mean_size - sd,
sd_max = mean_size + sd)
ggplot(df2, aes(age, mean_size, fill = type))+
geom_col(position = position_dodge())+
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = sd_min, ymax = sd_max), position = position_dodge())
Created on 2023-06-29 with reprex v2.0.2