This seems extremely basic but I cannot find an efficient way to do this:
I have character vector
s<-c("LabelB","LabelX", "LabelE", "LabelE", "LabelX", "LabelD", "LabelB")
What I want is a numeric vector where the numbers can be interpreted ordinally
with labels, i.e. the labels are preserved with
value label
1 LabelB
2 LabelD
3 LabelE
4 LabelX
I am open to using other packages besides haven or labelled. As I have many levels and labels, I just want to make sure that this is done without manually recoding the variable.
I tried things like:
MyLevels <- c(1,2,3,4)
names(MyLevels) <- levels(as.factor(s))
labelledS <- labelled(s, as.factor(MyLevels))
However, here the values of the variables remain strings, whereas I want them to be integers.
Thank you very much for your help!
Here is the correct way to do it with haven
v1 <- as.integer(factor(s))
levels = levels(factor_s)
values = seq_along(levels)
res <- haven::labelled(v1, setNames(object = values, nm = levels))
[1] 1 4 3 3 4 2 1
value label
1 LabelB
2 LabelD
3 LabelE
4 LabelX