
Combining PowerShell Get-ADUser Filters

Good afternoon, all.

I am trying to perform a search in P/S for SamAccountName that contains / starts with "svc_", and does not belong to a group called "disconnected", and write that to an Excel file.

What I am trying, at least for the syntax, doesn't result in anything. I know there are 300+ accounts that should show.

What am I declaring wrong?

get-aduser -filter * -properties *|? {$_.samaccountname -like "svc_" -and $_.MemberOf -eq "disconnected"}

I am also looking to do the same for those SamAccountName results that are not part of a group. I thought "-neq" would work (not equal), but I guess that value is wrong?

get-aduser -filter * -properties *|? {$_.samaccountname -like "svc_" -and $_.MemberOf -neq "disconnected"}

Once my mistakes are figured out, I will add | Export-Csv -Path $CSVfile -NoTypeInformation to have it write to a csv file.

Thank you in advance for all the assistance.


  • Don't filter with when can do it for you, its many times more efficient that way:

    $groupdn = (Get-ADGroup disconnected).DistinguishedName
    # members of the group and start with `svc_`
    Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(samAccountName=svc_*)(memberOf=$groupdn))" |
       Export-Csv path\to\membersofgroup.csv -NoTypeInformation
    # not a member of the group and start with `svc_`
    Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(samAccountName=svc_*)(!memberOf=$groupdn))" |
       Export-Csv path\to\notmembersofgroup.csv -NoTypeInformation

    As for the problem with your current code:

    $_.samaccountname -like "svc_"

    Should use a wildcard after svc_:

    $_.samaccountname -like "svc_*"


    $_.MemberOf -eq "disconnected"

    Will never match since MemberOf is a collection of DistinguishedName.


    # recursive member of group
    # not a member of the group or any nested group