I have this method in my repository:
SELECT items FROM ItemEntity items WHERE items.type = :type
AND (:idList IS NULL OR items.id IN :idList)
List<Items> findItems(@Param("type") String type, @Param("idList") List<String> idList);
It works when idList
is null
or has only 1 item, but it gives me an IndexOutOfBoundsException
when idList
contains more than 1 item:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0
at java.base/java.util.Collections$EmptyList.get(Collections.java:4586) ~[na:na]
I don't know what's causing it.
Add parentheses like this:
SELECT items FROM ItemEntity items WHERE items.type = :type
AND (:idList IS NULL OR items.id IN (:idList))