There is an issue when uploading a file to a remote server. The error is
Unable to open file using SMBConnection
Any help is appreciated as I am unsure what to do. I have searched stackoverflow and github for this question being asked, but had no luck figuring out a solution.
smb.smb_structs.OperationFailure: Failed to store DEVELOPMENT\Microchiseling\timedata_MC-1.csv on sys2: Unable to open file
==================== SMB Message 0 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x03 (SMB2_COM_TREE_CONNECT)
Status: 0x00000000
Flags: 0x00
PID: 22459
MID: 3
TID: 0
Data: 38 bytes
SMB Data Packet (hex):
==================== SMB Message 1 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x03 (SMB2_COM_TREE_CONNECT)
Status: 0x00000000
Flags: 0x01
PID: 22459
MID: 3
TID: 1
Data: 16 bytes
SMB Data Packet (hex):
==================== SMB Message 2 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x05 (SMB2_COM_CREATE)
Status: 0x00000000
Flags: 0x00
PID: 22459
MID: 4
TID: 1
Data: 264 bytes
SMB Data Packet (hex):
==================== SMB Message 3 ====================
SMB Header:
Command: 0x05 (SMB2_COM_CREATE)
Status: 0xC0000022
Flags: 0x01
PID: 22459
MID: 4
TID: 1
Data: 9 bytes
SMB Data Packet (hex):
Trying to understand the code is difficult for my limited experience, however, here's the entire code posted below to give a better idea of the situation:
import filecmp
import datetime
import time
from shutil import copyfile
from socket import gethostname
from smb.SMBConnection import SMBConnection
from smb import smb_structs
import os
mc = "/home/pi/MC_SHARE/timedata.csv"
loc = "/home/pi/Documents/PythonScripts/timedata_MC-1.csv"
def upload(username, password, my_name, remote_name, remote_ip, path, filename, service_name):
conn = connect(username, password, my_name, remote_name, remote_ip)
uploads a file to an sbm server
if conn:
print ('Upload = ' + path + filename
print ('Size = %.1f kB' % (os.path.getsize(filename) / 1024.0))
print ('start upload')
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_obj:
filesize = conn.storeFile(service_name, path+filename, file_obj)
print ('upload finished')
def connect(username, password, my_name, remote_name, remote_ip):
Creates an SMB connection object to a server
smb_structs.SUPPORT_SMB2 = True
conn = SMBConnection(username, password, my_name, remote_name, use_ntlm_v2 = True)
conn.connect(remote_ip, 139)
return conn
except Exception as e:
def get_password():
passwordFile= '/home/pi/Documents/Backup/PythonScripts/Test/8265.txt'
emailPassword = open(passwordFile)
file_contents = list(emailPassword.readlines())
return file_contents[0].strip()
username = 'OPTSservice'
password = get_password()
my_name = gethostname()
remote_name = 'OPTSFS01'
remote_ip = '???.???.?.???'
path = '/DEVELOPMENT/Microchiseling/'
service_name = 'sys2'
go = True
while go:
print("CHECKING FILE: " + str(
if not filecmp.cmp (mc, loc):
copyfile(mc, loc)
upload(username, password, my_name, remote_name, remote_ip, path, filename, service_name)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
go = False
It was a permission issue that caused
Failed to store DEVELOPMENT\Microchiseling\timedata_MC-1.csv on sys2: Unable to open file