I would like to purrr::map()
a set of variables to the tabyl
function from the janitor
package. Instead of labeling the variables, map()
calls everything .
palmerpenguins::penguins |>
select(where(~is.factor(.x) | is.character(.x))) |>
#> $species
#> . n percent
#> Adelie 152 0.4418605
#> Chinstrap 68 0.1976744
#> Gentoo 124 0.3604651
#> $island
#> . n percent
#> Biscoe 168 0.4883721
#> Dream 124 0.3604651
#> Torgersen 52 0.1511628
#> $sex
#> . n percent valid_percent
#> female 165 0.47965116 0.4954955
#> male 168 0.48837209 0.5045045
#> <NA> 11 0.03197674 NA
Created on 2023-06-30 with reprex v2.0.2
I think map()
is naming a vector .
(but using the real values) as it passes data to tabyl()
. Is there a way to tell map()
to use the original name? If not, is there an easy way to change the .
to be the variable name in produced output?
I read this SO post but I could not get it to behave using map2()
or imap()
Here's a way to produce the expected output using imap
, hopefully not the best:
palmerpenguins::penguins |>
select(where(~is.factor(.x) | is.character(.x))) |>
imap(~ {dat <- janitor::tabyl(.x)
names(dat)[1] <- .y