I am running a PowerShell script and calling $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath
within the script and it returns null.
The script is meant to be run within a PowerShell Console because it has command line parameters as such:
.\Users\MyScripts\myscript.ps1 -file1 .\file1.exe -file2 .\file2.exe
Inside my script is the following lines:
$mypath = $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath
echo $mypath
This echo returns nothing is there a way to get the path of myscript.ps1?
I am expecting the script to run and remember path of the script to execute again after a reboot. I was wondering if this was possible using this automatic variable.
Use the dedicated $PSCommandPath
automatic variable instead:
echo $PSCommandPath
The $PSCommandPath
and $PSScriptRoot
auto variables were introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0, if you need compatibility with PowerShell 2.0, do:
if ($PSVersionTable['PSVersion'].Major -lt 3){
$scriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
else {
$scriptPath = $PSCommandPath