I get an error when i build next app (yarn run build)
I made new clean project i tried there. This is my route (/api/categories/route.ts)
export async function GET() {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ msg: "categories" }));
And my /page.tsx:
export default async function Home() {
const res = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/api/categories");
console.log(await res.json());
return (
When i run dev app (yarn run dev) i dont have any errors but when i try build i get this error:
I tried also fetch data from fake data json api that i found in web and it worked perfect. But when i try to use my api routes i have an error.
And i tried to change url like: /api/categories and
Is there any way I can solve this problem? Because i want to deploy my app.
But when i use prisma in project and i tried to fetch data from prisma exact in page.tsx like: prisma.categories.findMany(...), i dont have problem. But i want thet code will be clean, i have many options for findMay(). So maybe you know how i can solve this without using prisma right in page.tsx
You can’t use local api routes to fetch data in server components because api routes are not available at build time. Unfortunately, it’s a limitation in current version of Next.is that I hope will be addressed in future versions.