In my code, I get the following error when running:
Exception: @error: Equation Definition
Equation without an equality (=) or inequality (>,<)
I tried searching my code for variations of the math functions (sqrt, cos, etc.) to see if I could find something that looked like the above equation, but I cannot find it in any way. I assume GEKKO manipulated some things around to get it, likely as part of the solver. My thinking is that the 'v' values are equivalent to my orbital elements, and I see that the value of mu is expressed. I'm hoping someone can put another set of eyes on my code and maybe help me out.
Here is my code:
from gecko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
def oe2rv(oe):
a = oe[0]
e = oe[1]
i = oe[2]
Om = oe[3]
om = oe[4]
nu = oe[5]
p = a * (1 - e**2)
r = p/(1 + e * m.cos(nu))
rv = np.array([r * m.cos(nu), r * m.sin(nu), 0])
vv = m.sqrt(mu/p) * np.array([-m.sin(nu), e + m.cos(nu), 0])
cO = m.cos(Om)
sO = m.sin(Om)
co = m.cos(om)
so = m.sin(om)
ci = m.cos(i)
si = m.sin(i)
R = np.array([[cO * co - sO * so * ci, -cO * so - sO * co * ci, sO * si],
[sO * co + cO * so * ci, -sO * so + cO * co * ci,-cO * si],
[so * si, co * si, ci]])
ri = R * rv
vi = R * vv
return ri, vi
def TwoBody(ri, vi):
ri_dot[0] = vi[0]
ri_dot[1] = vi[1]
ri_dot[2] = vi[2]
r_mag = m.sqrt(ri[0]**2 + ri[1]**2 + ri[2]**2)
r3 = r_mag**3
c = -mu/r3
vi_dot[0] = c * ri[0]
vi_dot[1] = c * ri[1]
vi_dot[2] = c * ri[2]
return ri_dot, vi_dot
def Euler(ri, vi):
ri_dot, vi_dot = TwoBody(ri, vi)
for i in range(0, 3):
ri_new[i] = ri[i] + ri_dot[i] * dt
vi_new[i] = vi[i] + vi_dot[i] * dt
return ri_new, vi_new
def trap(E_en, E_ex, e):
dE = (E_en - E_ex)/20
E = np.linspace(E_en, E_ex, 20)
nu_new = m.acos((m.cos(E[0]) - e)/(1 - e * m.cos(E[0])))
for i in range(1, 19):
nu_new = nu_new + 2 * m.acos((m.cos(E[i]) - e)/(1 - e * m.cos(E[i])))
nu_new = m.acos((m.cos(E[19]) - e)/(1 - e * m.cos(E[19])))
nu_new = (dE/2) * nu_new
return nu_new
def propagate(a, e, i, Om, om, nu, mass):
oe = np.array([a, e, i, Om, om, nu])
ri, vi = oe2rv(oe)
r = m.sqrt(ri[0]**2 + ri[1]**2 + ri[2]**2)
v = m.sqrt(vi[0]**2 + vi[1]**2 + vi[2]**2)
h = np.cross(ri, vi)
d1 = m.sqrt(4 * ((al_a * a * v**2)/mu + l_e * (e + m.cos(nu)))**2 + l_e**2 * (r**2/a**2) * m.sin(nu)**2)
s_a = (-l_e * (r/a) * m.sin(nu))/d1
c_a = (-2 * (((al_a * a * v**2)/mu) + l_e * (e + m.cos(nu))))/d1
d2 = m.sqrt(l_i**2 * ((r**2 * v**2)/h**2) * (m.cos(om + nu))**2 + (4 * al_a**2 * a**2 * v**4 * c_a**2)/mu**2 + l_e**2 * ((2 * (e + m.cos(nu)) * c_a + r/a * m.sin(nu) * s_a)**2))
s_b = (-l_i * ((r * v)/h) * m.cos(om + nu))/d2
c_b = (((-al_a * 2 * a * v**2)/mu) * c_a - l_e * (2 * (e + m.cos(nu)) * c_a + (r/a) * m.sin(nu) * s_a))/d2
a_n = aT * s_a * c_b
a_t = aT * c_a * c_b
a_h = aT * s_b
n = m.sqrt(mu/a**3)
Om_J2 = ((-3 * n * R_E**2 * J2)/(2 * a**2 * (1 - e**2)**2)) * m.cos(i)
om_J2 = ((3 * n * R_E**2 * J2)/(4 * a**2 * (1 - e**2)**2)) * (4 - 5 * (m.sin(i))**2)
nu_new = trap(E_en, E_ex, e)
da_dt = a_t * (2 * a**2 * v)/mu
de_dt = (1/v) * (2 * (e + m.cos(nu)) * a_t + (r/a) * a_n * m.sin(nu))
di_dt = (r/h) * a_h * m.cos(om + nu)
dOm_dt = (r/(h * m.sin(i))) * a_h * m.sin(om + nu) + Om_J2
dom_dt = (1/(e * v)) * (2 * a_t * m.sin(nu) - (2 * e + (r/a) * m.cos(nu)) * a_n) - (r/(h * m.sin(i))) * a_h * m.sin(om + nu) * m.cos(i) + om_J2
dnu_dt = nu_new - nu
dm_dt = (-2 * eta * P)/pow((g * Isp), 2)
dt_dE = r/(n * a)
Tp = (2 * math.pi/m.sqrt(mu)) * a**(3/2)
deltas = np.array([da_dt, de_dt, di_dt, dOm_dt, dom_dt, dnu_dt, dm_dt, dt_dE])
return deltas, Tp
#initialize model
m = GEKKO()
#optional solver settings with APOPT
Nsim = 100 #number of steps with constant thrust
m.time = np.linspace(0, 0.2, Nsim)
mu = 3.98574405096E14
g = 9.81
R_E = 6.2781E6
J2 = 1.08262668E-3
P = 10E3
eta = 0.65
Isp = 3300
m0 = 1200
aT = (2 * eta * P)/(m0 * g * Isp)
delta_t = 3600
t_max = 86400 * 200
E_en = math.pi
E_ex = -math.pi
oe_i = np.array([6927000, 0, math.radians(28.5), 0, 0, 0])
oe_f = np.array([42164000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
v_i = m.sqrt(mu/oe_i[0])
v_f = m.sqrt(mu/oe_f[0])
dv = abs(v_i - v_f)
dm = (2 * eta * P)/pow((g * Isp), 2)
m_f = m0 * m.exp(-dv/(g * Isp))
#manipulating variables and initial guesses
al_a = m.MV(value = -1, lb = -2, ub = 2)
al_a.STATUS = 1
l_e = m.MV(value = 0.001, lb = 0, ub = 10**6)
l_e.STATUS = 1
l_i = m.MV(value = 1, lb = 0, ub = 10**6)
l_i.STATUS = 1
#variables and initial guesses
a = m.Var(value = oe_i[0], lb = oe_i[0] - 6378000, ub = oe_f[0] + 6378000)
e = m.Var(value = oe_i[1], lb = 0, ub = 1)
i = m.Var(value = oe_i[2], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(90))
Om = m.Var(value = oe_i[3], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(360))
om = m.Var(value = oe_i[4], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(360))
nu = m.Var(value = oe_i[5], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(360))
mass = m.Var(value = m0, lb = 0, ub = m0)
#objective function
tf = m.FV(value = 1.2 * ((m0 - m_f)/dm), lb = 0, ub = t_max)
tf.STATUS = 1
deltas, Tp = propagate(a, e, i, Om, om, nu, mass)
m.Equation(a.dt() == (deltas[0] * delta_t * deltas[7])/Tp)
m.Equation(e.dt() == (deltas[1] * delta_t * deltas[7])/Tp)
m.Equation(i.dt() == (deltas[2] * delta_t * deltas[7])/Tp)
m.Equation(Om.dt() == (deltas[3] * delta_t * deltas[7])/Tp)
m.Equation(om.dt() == (deltas[4] * delta_t * deltas[7])/Tp)
m.Equation(nu.dt() == deltas[5] * delta_t)
m.Equation(mass.dt() == (deltas[6] * delta_t * deltas[7])/Tp)
#starting constraints
m.fix(a, pos = 0, val = oe_i[0])
m.fix(e, pos = 0, val = oe_i[1])
m.fix(i, pos = 0, val = oe_i[2])
m.fix(Om, pos = 0, val = oe_i[3])
m.fix(om, pos = 0, val = oe_i[4])
m.fix(nu, pos = 0, val = oe_i[5])
m.fix(mass, pos = 0, val = m0)
#boundary constraints
m.fix(a, pos = len(m.time) - 1, val = oe_f[0])
m.fix(e, pos = len(m.time) - 1, val = oe_f[1])
m.fix(i, pos = len(m.time) - 1, val = oe_f[2])
m.fix(Om, pos = len(m.time) - 1, val = oe_f[3])
m.fix(om, pos = len(m.time) - 1, val = oe_f[4])
m.fix(nu, pos = len(m.time) - 1, val = oe_f[5])
m.fix(mass, pos = len(m.time) - 1, val = 0)
m.Obj(tf) #minimize final time
m.options.IMODE = 6 # non-linear model
m.options.SOLVER = 3 # solver (IPOPT)
m.options.MAX_ITER = 15000
m.options.RTOL = 1e-7
m.options.OTOL = 1e-7
m.solve(disp=True, debug=True) # Solve
print('Optimal time: ' + str(tf.value[0]))
After doing some playing around, I believe the issue is that I am using the manipulating variables ('al_a', 'l_e' and 'l_i') in the 'propagate' function. Does that make sense as a possible problem? If that is the problem, is it possible to use the values of those variables in that function - and, if so, how?
The square brackets indicate that a list or numpy array was used instead of a scalar value in one of the expressions. Adding names (e.g. name='a'
) to the variables helps with a more readable model apm
file that is in the local run directory m.path
. Open the directory with m.open_folder()
#variables and initial guesses
a = m.Var(value = oe_i[0], lb = oe_i[0] - 6378000, ub = oe_f[0] + 6378000,name='a')
e = m.Var(value = oe_i[1], lb = 0, ub = 1,name='e')
i = m.Var(value = oe_i[2], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(90),name='i')
Om = m.Var(value = oe_i[3], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(360),name='om1')
om = m.Var(value = oe_i[4], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(360),name='om2')
nu = m.Var(value = oe_i[5], lb = 0, ub = math.radians(360),name='nu')
mass = m.Var(value = m0, lb = 0, ub = m0,name='mass')
This gives an updated version of the error with:
@error: Equation Definition
Equation without an equality (=) or inequality (>,<)
One of the errors is in the propagate function where h
is a (3,3)
numpy array but is used in equations.
h = np.cross(ri, vi)
s_b = (-l_i * ((r * v)/h) * m.cos(om + nu))/d2
After the equations are corrected, one additional suggestion is to move Tp
to the right-hand side of the equation to avoid potential divide-by-zero.
m.Equation(Tp*a.dt() == (deltas[0] * delta_t * deltas[7]))
m.Equation(Tp*e.dt() == (deltas[1] * delta_t * deltas[7]))
m.Equation(Tp*i.dt() == (deltas[2] * delta_t * deltas[7]))
m.Equation(Tp*Om.dt() == (deltas[3] * delta_t * deltas[7]))
m.Equation(Tp*om.dt() == (deltas[4] * delta_t * deltas[7]))
m.Equation(nu.dt() == deltas[5] * delta_t)
m.Equation(Tp*mass.dt() == (deltas[6] * delta_t * deltas[7]))