I am using TypeOrm. This is my Orders Entity file:
export class OrdersEntity {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string;
@CreateDateColumn() created: Date;
@UpdateDateColumn() updated: Date;
@Column('text', { default: StatusEnum.PROCESSING }) status: string;
// relationships
@ManyToOne(type => UsersEntity, customer => customer.orders)
customer: UsersEntity;
@OneToMany(type => ProductsEntity, products => products.order, {cascade: true})
products: ProductsEntity[];
This is my Products Entity:
export class ProductsEntity {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn('uuid') id: string;
@CreateDateColumn() created: Date;
@UpdateDateColumn() updated: Date;
@Column({ type: 'text', unique: true }) name: string;
@Column('text') description: string;
@Column('integer') unitsOnStock: number;
@Column('numeric', { precision: 10, scale: 2 }) price: number;
// relationships
@ManyToOne(type => CategoriesEntity, category => category.products)
category: CategoriesEntity;
@ManyToOne(type => OrdersEntity, order => order.products)
order: OrdersEntity;
and there is a function in orders.service.ts to create new order:
async create(data: OrdersDto, userId: string) {
const { productsArray } = data;
// const products2: ProductWithQuantity[] = [];
const products: ProductsEntity[] = [];
for (const productItem of productsArray) {
const product = await this.productsRepository.findOne({
where: { id: productItem.productId },
if (!product) {
throw new HttpException("Product's ID not found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
if (product.unitsOnStock - productItem.quantity < 0) {
throw new HttpException('Insufficient stock', HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
} else {
// products2.push({ product, quantity: productItem.quantity });
products.push({ ...product });
const user = await this.usersRepository.findOne({ where: { id: userId } });
for (const productItem of productsArray) {
const product = await this.productsRepository.findOne({
where: { id: productItem.productId },
await this.productsRepository.update(product.id, {
unitsOnStock: product.unitsOnStock - productItem.quantity,
const order = await this.ordersRepository.create({
customer: user,
await this.ordersRepository.save(order);
return order;
I want in orders table to have another column with array which would contain objects {productId: string, quantity: string} for each order.
I tried using @JoingTable but it didnt work...
I will be glad for any ideas, thanks in advance!
There is no point in doing this the way you described. Proper approach would be creating another table for actual products that are placed in order. I suggest something like this
export class OrderItemEntity {
id: string;
productId: string;
quantity: number;
@ManyToOne(() => OrdersEntity, order => order.orderItems)
order: OrdersEntity;