I currently have a "minutes" column that has values which look like 129:31 or 22:56
The numbers to the left of : are minutes and the numbers to the right of : are seconds. In Google Sheets, how do I take that column of values and convert it to total number of minutes instead?
For example 129:31 would become 129.52 minutes and 22:56 would become 22.93 minutes. The reason I need to do this is because I want to use my new column in a SUMIF statement.
I've tried format mm:ss but it doesn't return numbers that I can sum.
From your following reply,
they are the text (not a date object); I don't want to overwrite those cells ... create a new column with 129.52 and 22.93 instead.
how about the following sample formula?
=BYROW(A1:A,LAMBDA(range,IFERROR(LET(res_1,SPLIT(range,":"),res_2,INDEX(res_1,1,1),res_3,INDEX(res_1,1,2)/60,res_1 + res_3))))
is split by :
and 31
is divided by 60