<xs:complexType name="hilfsmittelattribute">
<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="http://hma.ws.bswsnt.vsa/xsd" processContents="skip"/>
conn = zeep.Client(...)
data = {
'hilfsmittelattribute': {'koerperhaelfte': 1}
pack = conn.service.someMethod(**data)
but I get error that
TypeError: ... got an unexpected keyword argument 'koerperhaelfte'. Signature: `_value_1: ANY[]`
I read documentation from here Zeep documentation for Any
if I do:
conn.get_element('ns0:hilfsmittelattribute') # or ns1, ns2, ns3...
I get
LookupError: No element 'hilfsmittelattribute' in namespace http://ws.bswsnt.vsa/xsd. Available elements are: -
But if I write
hilfsmittelattribute_type = conn.get_type('ns2:hilfsmittelattribute')
I get the type object
( the code return )
>> [('_value_1', <Any(name=None)>)]
but if I would like to use this type object like this
hilfsmittelattribute_ = xsd.AnyObject(
hilfsmittelattribute_type, hilfsmittelattribute_type(koerperhaelfte='1'))
I get the error
TypeError: {...}hilfsmittelattribute() got an unexpected keyword argument 'koerperhaelfte'. Signature: `_value_1: ANY[]`
I try to create SOAP envelope by hand. If I set :
It actually works... So the problem needs to be in Zeep on handling Any type.
If anyone has still trouble with this...
The fix is to create custom etree
import lxml.etree as ET
koerperhaelfte_element = ET.Element("koerperhaelfte")
koerperhaelfte_element.text = "rechts"
and then use it inside json
'hilfsmittelattribute': {
"_value_1": [koerperhaelfte_element],