
how to import from libs in NX

I have Microservice with Nestjs and Nx

this is project structure

│   │ gateway
│   │ auth

now I want to import some module from libs/common in gateway

import { RMQ_SERVICES } from '@app/common/constants/rmq.constant';

but it doesn't work

Cannot find module '@app/common/constants/rmq.constant' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

I have also tried this

import { RMQ_SERVICES } from 'libs/common/src/lib/constants/rmq.constant';

but it doesn't worked .

Projects cannot be imported by a relative or absolute path, and must begin with a npm scopeeslint

so how can I do it ?


  • If these were created with the nx generators then your tsconfig.base.json should contain the proper paths for mapping the libraries. Generally your nx.json will have an npmScope property that is your @scope/ and then depending on how you set up the --importPath option that should define what path you need to use. Check your base tsconfig.base.json to see what the path is otherwise. I usually have libraries like @scope/server/kysely or @scope/shared/types in my Nx monorepos, like this one here.

    If these were not created with the Nx generators, then you'll need to add the path mapping to your tsconfig.base.json yourself and make sure that the tsconfig.json of your applications are updated to extend from the base config