I'm newbie to object detection model, I'm trying to train yolo model in my device('NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU), I am getting errors, I have image size of (1365, 1024, 3) , I tried with image size(1365, 1024, 3) then my system struck. then I change with size into (1020, 640) , after the error like Yolo training recommended with 2 GPUs was it my system for training yolo. please help me with that. this is my code.
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt') # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)
imgsz=(1020, 640),
batch = 12,
optimizer = 'Adam',
already uses Dataloader()
behind the scenes so there is no need for a custom implementation (I don't even know if you really need it, for other custom implementation/logic you would implement specific callbacks for customization).
The truth is that you have quite big image sizes in conjunction with big batch sizes, 3050Ti has only 4 GB of VRAM memory, so you are very likely to easily run into OOM issues.
You could try to start with (600x600)
and a batch_size of 2
and then gradually increase the batch_size to (3,4 etc.)