
What is the difference betweet Netduino and .NET Gadgeteer?

I wanted to learn .NET Microframework and found that there is (among others) Netduino which is somehow compatible with Arduino. Recently .NET Gadgeteer came to public. There was a lot of enthusiasm, so it looks like important step for .NET Microframework.

Is it possible to compare them somehow? I'm not sure for what tasks is better Netduino and for what tasks Gadgeteer. Or are they in fact completely different beasts?
I'm unable to read this from information available on home pages, because there are mostly marketing materials.


  • Netduino (and other HW boards, including GHI's FEZ products) are HW devices with an MicroProcessor running .NET Microframework - but in an form factor that resembles Ardunio, meaning you can plug other boards (or shields) on top of the mainboard to extend its functionality.

    .NET Gadgeteer is something different:

    For more information check out: