The following code compiles and runs in V 0.4.0 049d685 without a problem but seems to give incorrect results. I must be doing something wrong, but what is it?
Thanks in advance.
import regex
fn main() {
txt := 'Now is the time for all good men'
query := r'the'
mut re := regex.regex_opt(query) or {panic(err)}
println(re.get_query()) //-> the
println(re.matches_string(txt) //-> false
start,end := re.match_string(txt)
if start >= 0 {
println('Match: ${txt[start..end]} between ${start} and ${end}')
else {println('No match')} //-> No match
I was expecting a match to 'the'.
matches on the whole string. For instance, when using query := r'.*the.*'
your code will match "the", and output true
As @doneforaiur pointed out, you could use println(re.find_all_str(txt))
instead of println(re.matches_string(txt))
, which would output ['the']