Playing with WeatherKit in Swiftui recently (very new to the language). I'm working on a simple weather app and I'm trying to achieve two things:
I'm already displaying the conditions for the current weather. Which is the best approach?
This is the function I'm using to get the current weather:
func getWeather() async {
do {
weather = try await Task.detached(priority: .userInitiated) {
return try await .init(latitude: 42.28851, longitude: 13.55401)) // Coordinates for SAN PIO just as example coordinates
} catch {
I'm getting the "next hour" condition symbol (and converting it into a corresponding emoji) with:
var hourlyWeatherForecast: String {
let nextHourWeather = weather?.hourlyForecast.forecast.first?.condition.emoji
return nextHourWeather ?? "Waiting"
but struggling to check if rain (or drizzle, or thunderstorms, etc...) is expected for the current day.
Get hourly
and daily
Get the forecast for today by extracting the information with
daily.forecast.first{ Calendar.current.isDateInToday($ }
and check if the condition
is rainy.
get the forecast for the next hour by filtering the hourly
forecast similar to 2. but comparing the hour
To get also daily
and hourly
forecast use the including
let (current, daily, hourly) = try await .init(latitude: 42.28851, longitude: 13.55401), including: .current, .daily, .hourly)
You can check for you desired condition pretty simply. Inside the WeatherCondition
extension add
var isRaining : Bool {
switch self {
case .rain, .drizzle, .thunderstorms: return true
default: return false
Add as many cases as you like in the true