I want to use jfxtras CalendarTimeTextField in my JavaFX
I added jfxtras-common-17-r1.jar
and jfxtras-controls-17-r1.jar
in classPath.
I added the CalendarTimeTextField
in SceneBuilder
I saved the FXML in SceneBuilder and refresh the project in Eclipse (2023-06).
Eclipse VM arguments:
--module-path "C:\Program Files\Java\openJDK\javafx-sdk-20.0.1\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.graphics,javafx.base,javafx.fxml,javafx.web,javafx.swing --add-exports=javafx.controls/com.sun.javafx.scene.control.inputmap=ALL-UNNAMED
After running the application in Eclipse, I get a ClassNotFound Exception
ClassNotFoundException: jfxtras.scene.control.CalendarTimeTextField
I use openJDK20.0.1, JavaFX20, JavaFX Scene Builder 20.0.0
Any ideas what's going wrong?
Thanks GGK
Checked it by myself.
The jfxetra libraries aren't configured in
run configurations -> Dependencies
added there and it runs.