
How do i fix my application for a roku tv

The Error is

Install Failure: Compilation Failed.HelloWorld if you can help download https://dev-fonoxy.pantheonsite.io/stackoverflow/ClockSaver.zip for fixes upload to https://dev-fonoxy.pantheonsite.io/stackoverflow/filemgr.php I have tried everything on chat gpt but it did not work i tried github did not work so pleas can you help me hope someone can help


  • I see a few problems with your app.

    1. you're referencing HelloWorld.brs from pkg:/source, but the correct path is pkg:/components/helloworld.brs. enter image description here

    2. You shouldn't call the init function yourself. This is something the Roku platform will call for you whenever a new instance of your HelloWorld component is initialized. Also...it's invalid syntax to run top-level code like this. Code statements are only valid inside function bodies. enter image description here

    3. LabelNode is not a valid component type. Did you mean Label? enter image description here

    Here's a screenshot after I fixed these 3 problems: enter image description here

    I highly recommend installing Visual Studio Code (VSCode) and the BrightScript Language extension for VSCode. Many of these types of errors will be flagged during development time.