i have one question concerning the logging module. I actually try to create my own handler and when i'm formatting the strings using "Logging.Formatter()", i have the following problem :
The output should look like this :
[ WARNING ] Someething Not Expected Happened Or Indicative To Prospective Problems !
[ DEBUG ] Diagnosing Supposes !
[ ERROR ] Serious Problems !
The levelname should be centered quoted by brackets.
But i didn't worked out, how to do this without breaking the formatation.
My formatting string is :
logging.Formatter( f'[ %(levelname)s ] %(name)s | Method : %(funcName)s | Line : %(lineno)s | MSG : %(message)s' )
If i try to use the usual formatter like [{'WARNING':^9}], it doesn't work :/
Like :
[ "%(levelname)s":^9 ]
I hope you can help me solving this problem.
Best regards
In order to use center formatting, you need to switch to f-string (aka brace) formatting by specifying the format
logging.Formatter('[{levelname:^9}] {name} | Method : {funcName} | Line : {lineno} | MSG : {message}', style='{')