After all rsvp promises are done in ember controller, how can I save all error status in controller and update DOM? I got undefined 'this', controller no longer accessible.
export default class someController extends Controller {
@tracked errorlist = [];
@action someAction {
retarray.forEach((retstate) => {
if (retstate.state == 'rejected') {
//'this' undefined, how to update errlist?
There are a few things you could try, but this (less elegant) solution should give you the result you’re looking for:
export default class someController extends Controller {
@tracked errorlist = [];
someAction {
const that = this;
RSVP.allSettled(promises).then(function (retarray) {
retarray.forEach((retstate) => {
if (retstate.state == 'rejected') {
Personally, I’d move that errorlist.push
into its own method on the controller, so you could call something like this:
export default class someController extends Controller {
@tracked errorlist = [];
someAction {
.then((retarray) => retarray.forEach(this.addToErrorIfRejected));
addToErrorIfRejected({ state, reason }) {
if (state == 'rejected') this.errorlist.push(reason);