I'm currently using IAR Embedded Workbench V8.30.2.
The project I'm on has about 1500 source files, and it's a pain in the neck to manually browse for the desired file in the 'Workspace' pane and double-click on it.
I'd much rather some shortcut key that opens a 'finder' window, that lets me type in a few letters of the file and it then automatically locates the file for me and opens it.
For now, I've managed to cobble together a poor-man's workaround by using AHK (autohotkey) for windows.
But still wanted to put this Q out there, in-case there is a better way.
For now, I will share my poor man's autohotkey solution under windows.
#Include c:\src\gurce_ahk\ExtListView.ahk
;CapsLock+F = IAR locate desired file
CapsLock & f::
; 1) Get current path of project
ControlGetText, txt, ToolbarWindow323, ahk_exe IarIdePm.exe
dir := SubStr(txt, 10)
; 2) find source files within dir
RunWait, cmd /c type *_Source.ewp | grep "<name>$PROJ_DIR$/.." | \cygwin0005\bin\sed "s@</name>@@" | \cygwin0005\bin\sed "s@.*/@@" | \windows\system32\sort.exe | clip , %dir%, Hide
files := StrSplit(Clipboard, "`r`n")
; 3) Show dialog prompt
InputBox, filename, Enter filename to open... (can be partial)
; 4) Find request in my local list
for idx in files
ff := files[idx]
IfInString, ff, %filename%
; 5) Select the desired row
objLV := ExtListView_Initialize(ahk_exe IarIdePm.exe)
ExtListView_ToggleSelection(objLV, 0, -1) ; deselect all
ExtListView_ToggleFocusAndSelection(objLV, 1, 2 + idx)
ExtListView_EnsureVisible(objLV, 2 + idx)
Some notes on the thought process that went into this:
component, hoping to browse through its list of filesLC_COLLATE=C \cygwin0005\bin\sort -f
, but this didn't work for me (it would however work if I ran such a command from a genuine mintty/cygwin window, just not from my calling of cygwin-bash from within a windows-cmd)