
Tablesorter — How can I sort a column by first or last name (both ascending) rather than toggling between ascending and decending?

I want to use tablesorter to sort a column (column contains first name + last name) so that clicking the header toggles between sorting by first name and sorting by last name, both in ascending order. I have found a jsfiddle (link) that is very close to what I want to do.

$(function () {

    var $cell;
        theme: 'blue',
        textExtraction: {
            0: function (node, table, cellIndex) {
                var $n = $(node);
                // add semi-colon between values
                return $n.find('.name').text() + ';' + $n.find('.perc').text();
        textSorter: function (a, b) {
            var x = a.split(';'),
                y = b.split(';'),
                i = $cell && $cell.is('.active') ? 1 : 0;
            return $.tablesorter.sortNatural($.trim(x[i]), $.trim(y[i]));
        initialized: function () {
            $cell = $('#games').find('.percSort');
            $cell.click(function () {
                // activate percentage sort
                return false;
            }).closest('th').click(function () {
                // clicking on header outside of percSort
                // inactivates the percentage sort



It toggles between sorting by name (ascending) and sorting by percentage (descending) when the header is clicked. However, in my case, I want it to toggle between sorting first name (ascending) and last name (ascending). I want both sorts to be ascending and I'm not sure how to modify this code to make that happen. If nothing else, I can make them separate columns instead and give up on this, but I think it would look better to have the full name displayed together.

I tried looking through the documentation, but I wasn't able to figure out a way.


  • Just keep the html structure as it is (), and change just its text-content:

    <h3>Click on the "%" sign to sort the first column by percentages;<br>Click outside to sort by name</h3>
    <table id="games">
                <th>Firstname <span class="percSort">&nbsp;Lastname&nbsp;</span>
                <th class="gamename">
                    <div style="width:66%;background-color: hsla(84,100%,50%,0.7);"></div>
    <span class="name">Alice</span>
    <span class="perc">Petterson</span>
                <th class="gamename">
                    <div style="width:46%;background-color: hsla(34,100%,50%,0.7);"></div>
    <span class="name">Peter</span>
    <span class="perc">Brook</span>