I found that the way mongoose suggest to add additional methods to a schema - is not compatible with the typeScript:
import * as m from 'mongoose'
const MySchema = new m.Schema({ deletedAt: Date });
MySchema.methods.myDelete = function() { this.deletedAt = new Date(); }
MySchema.method('myUndelete', function() { this.deletedAt = null; });
const MyModel = m.model('MyCollection', MySchema);
let myInstance = new MyModel();
the typescript compiler says
error TS2339: Property 'myDelete' does not exist on type 'Document<unknown, {}, { deletedAt?: Date; }> & Omit<{ deletedAt?: Date; } & { _id: ObjectId; }, never>'.
error TS2339: Property 'myUndelete' does not exist on type 'Document<unknown, {}, { deletedAt?: Date; }> & Omit<{ deletedAt?: Date; } & { _id: ObjectId; }, never>'.
How to achieve adding new methods to the Schema and get recognized by typescript compiler at the same time? Any idea?
Follow the Statics and Methods in TypeScript documentation.
E.g.("mongoose": "^7.3.1")
import * as m from 'mongoose';
interface MyDocument {
deletedAt?: Date;
interface MyDocumentMethods {
myDelete(): void;
myUndelete(): void;
type ModelType = m.Model<MyDocument, {}, MyDocumentMethods>;
const MySchema = new m.Schema<MyDocument>({ deletedAt: Date });
MySchema.methods.myDelete = function () {
this.deletedAt = new Date();
MySchema.method('myUndelete', function () {
this.deletedAt = null;
const MyModel = m.model<MyDocument, ModelType>('MyCollection', MySchema);
let myInstance = new MyModel();
myInstance.deletedAt; // ok