I realise this might not be a very descriptive question, but I essentially want to know if this question has an answer yet.
I have a regression whose results I'd like to output in a table using stargazer
, like so:
> stargazer(model1, type = "text", report = "vcsp", single.row = T)
Dependent variable:
male -0.148 (0.148)
p = 0.316
Observations 183
Log Likelihood -1,052.273
Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
The output I want is this:
Dependent variable: enter
coefficient se p-value
male -0.148 (0.148) 0.316
Observations 183
Log Likelihood -1,052.273
Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
Is there any way to do this using stargazer
? Any help is appreciated.
You can collect what you need from your model output into a data.frame and print this with stargazer
model<-lm(mpg~disp+factor(cyl), data=mtcars)
stargazer(model, type="text", omit="cyl")
results <- data.frame(Coefficient = summary(model)$coefficients[,1],
Standard_Error = summary(model)$coefficients[,2],
p_value = summary(model)$coefficients[,4])
stargazer(results, title="Table 1: Results", summary=F, type = "text")
Table 1: Results
Coefficient Standard_Error p_value
(Intercept) 29.535 1.427 0
disp -0.027 0.011 0.016
factor(cyl)6 -4.786 1.650 0.007
factor(cyl)8 -4.792 2.887 0.108