I have a Python program that needs to launch a number of Singularity containers in parallel.
Is it possible to do this, exploiting all of the available hardware, using only built-in libraries (subprocessing
, concurrent.futures
, etc)?
The 'host' script runs on 1 CPU. It is launched by SLURM. The 'host' needs to launch the containers, wait for them to complete, do some analysis, repeat.
For example, if I have 40 containers each needing 2 CPUs, and two nodes each with 76 CPUs, then there should be something like:
Node 1 (76 CPUs) | Node 2 (76 CPUs) |
Host script (1 CPU) | 3 containers (6 CPUs) |
37 containers (74 CPUs) | 70 spare CPUs |
1 spare CPU |
)We use stress
to fully utilise a given number of CPUs:
Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:16.04
apt update -y
apt install -y stress
echo $(uname -n)
stress "$@"
Build with singularity build stress.simg stress.def
)Spin up 40 containers, each running the stress
image with 2 CPUs for 10s:
from subprocess import Popen
n_processes = 40
cpus_per_process = 2
stress_time = 10
command = [
processes = [Popen(command) for i in range(n_processes)]
for p in processes:
#SBATCH -J stress
#SBATCH -A myacc
#SBATCH -p mypart
#SBATCH --output=%x_%j.out
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks=40
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
python main.py
The above only runs on one of the two nodes. Total execution time is around 20s, and the Singularity containers are run sequentially - the first 38 are run, and then the last two.
As such, it does not have the desired effect.
Turns out my question was just from a misunderstanding of what should be handled by Singularity and what should be handled by SLURM.
My mistake was thinking that Singularity could see and utilise other nodes; in reality, it can only see resources available on the current node.
and cpus-per-task=2
. This will allow SLURM to allocate resources to the containers from the pool that have already been allotted to this particular run.Modified main.py
from subprocess import Popen
n_processes = 40
cpus_per_process = 2
stress_time = 10
command = [
"srun", # <--------- MODIFICATION
processes = [Popen(srun_command) for i in range(n_processes)]
for p in processes: