
Ruby/Rails equivalent of Python's sys.addAuditHook

I am a total beginner to Ruby and am hoping for some advice. My goal is to log all (for example) socket operations with a Ruby program with as little code modification as possible.

As a tiny example, pretend I have a super simple server like so:

require 'socket'

server =
loop {
    client = server.accept
    client.puts "hello world"

In python, I could use sys.addAuditHook to catch the socket operations (open/write/etc) buried somewhere within the depths of without having to resort to wrapping the entire TCPServer api or something like that.

I am interested in system events, not object writes, so Rails' Active Record Callbacks doesn't look like what I'm looking for.

Does anyone know if there's anything remotely equivalent for Ruby/Ruby on Rails, or am I stuck doing this the slow way?

Thank you!


  • No, ruby doesn't have that level of logging built in. The bulk of that use case is generally achieved through APM/instrumentation tools or services, but those generally target higher level (gem) libraries, rather than the low level stdlib stuff.