i can't find any where how to create web service from server skeletons ( java pojo's )from wsdl using JAXWS. The only tutorials I see are using automated wizard in NetBeans and and axis2 in eclipse. Can someone please give me hints on how to generate server side classes from given wsdl?
I just need to do :
wsimport.bat -Xendorsed SOAP.WSDL
and it creates the artifacts.
But now how do I implement it in the server ?
In addition to client side classes, wsimport also generates a SEI (Service Endpoint Interface). All you need to do is creating an implementation for that.
Then it should be ready for deployment in your application server.
Answer extended:
If you are using Metro, this is a tutorial on how to map your SEI and SIB (Service Implementation Bean) to the config files and get it ready for deployment.