Given a string such as "0110"
, how do I convert this to a bitstring containing the binary values represented by the string?
I checked the Base
module, but it's based on RFC 4648 and is not designed for handling Base 2.
Here's one way:
defmodule Convert do
def to_bitstring(str) when is_binary(str) do
for <<byte::binary-1 <- str>>, into: <<>> do
case byte do
"0" -> <<0::1>>
"1" -> <<1::1>>
iex> Convert.to_bitstring("0110")
The benefit of doing it exhaustively using case
and matching on binaries is two-fold:
iex> Convert.to_bitstring("0140")
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: "4"
If you just want a quick hack, this works, but it will also happily convert nonsense like "0140"
too, so I think the first solution is better.
for <<byte <- str>>, into: <<>>, do: <<(byte - ?0)::1>>