I have test this code and result is correctly, but will got "567 S Pointer arithmetic is not on array." in line24 "arr++;", does anyone know how to fix it?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int PartNum_Read(char* arr);
int PartNum_Read(char* arr)
uint32_t ret = 0U;
uint8_t ReadPartNumer[3]={'a','b','c'}; //copy from other function, type is uint8_t
if(arr != NULL)
for(int j = 0U; j < sizeof(ReadPartNumer); j++)
*arr = static_cast<char>(ReadPartNumer[j]);
ret = (sizeof(ReadPartNumer));
cout << "PN: " << *arr << endl;
return ret;
int main()
cout<<"Hello World\n";
char PartNumer[3]={0};
for(int i = 0U; i < 3; i++)
cout << "PN: " << PartNumer[i] << endl;
return 0;
The older MISRAs like C:2004 and C++:2008 had various confused rules regarding pointer arithmetic. The recommendation is to upgrade to MISRA C:2012 or later.
The "fix" in this case is as stupid as the rule:
int PartNum_Read (char arr[])
Yes, that so-called "fix" doesn't make any difference at all in practice. But it should make the code compliant to MISRA C++:2008.
The root problem here is a failure to understand pointer arithmetic when these guidelines were written. It's a common misconception, as addressed here: Do pointers support "array style indexing"? But these known MISRA problems have been fixed since long, at least on the C side.