I have the following View structure in my activity:
Now when TextView is touched, I want to get the topmost relative layout's id (i.e. id = 1)
I'm using setOnTouchListener and inside that, I'm writing two log statements as follows:
I'm able to get my topmost relative layout's id (id = 1) using 1st log statement but the second log statement is printing -1.
could someone please explain why I'm not able to get the topmost relative layout using View.rootView?
for reference: View.rootView
Please check what view you have got exactly by below code:
Log.d ("tally", "Inside text_view parent: " + (v.parent).toString())
Log.d ("tally", "Inside text_view parent.parent.id: " + (v. parent.parent).toString())
Because, I think, v.rootView
give you topmost view
of view hierarchy
After our threads of Comment, I update here, how to track, what is exactly you got after calling v.rootView
first, read another link to better understand android's view hierarchy
Now, let's try below things:
Log.d ("demo", "Inside text_view parent: " + (v.parent).toString())
Log.d ("demo", "Inside text_view parent.parent.id: " + (v.parent.parent).toString())
Log.d ("demo", "Inside text_view getRootView: " + (v.getRootView()).toString())
Log.d ("demo", "Inside text_view getRootView Name: " + (v.getRootView().accessibilityClassName).toString())
Log.d ("demo", "Inside text_view getRootView is ViewGroup: " + (v.getRootView() is ViewGroup))
if(v.getRootView() is ViewGroup){
var vg: ViewGroup = v.getRootView() as ViewGroup;
trackParentView(v,0, vg)
Now, use below method trackParentView(...)
fun trackParentView(view :View, cnt :Int, rootView :ViewGroup){
//Log.d ("trackParentView()", "view (name) [track: "+cnt+"]: "+ view.accessibilityClassName)
Log.d ("trackParentView()", "view (toString) [track: "+cnt+"]: "+ view.toString())
if(view.parent != rootView){
trackParentView(view.parent as View, cnt+1, rootView)
} else {
Log.d ("trackParentView()", "this is rootView at : ["+cnt+"]: "+ view.toString())