
Launch4J not picking up bundled JRE

i am aware that there are many similar questions like this one, but i could not make it work with those solutions.

I am using Launch4J 3.50, and trying to run a exe using a bundled JRE, which is provided by adoptium

By starting the exe from a bat file, using SET Launch4j=debug option, i am able to generate this log file:

Version:    3.50
CmdLine:    D:\MyApp.exe 
JNI:        No
WOW64:      Yes
Working dir:    D:\.
Requires JDK:   Yes
Requires 64-Bit: No
Java min ver:   1.011.000_000
Java max ver:   1.011.900_900
JRE paths:  service\adoptium
Check launcher: D:\service\adoptium\bin\javaw.exe (OK)
Check javac:    D:\service\adoptium\bin\javac.exe (not found)
64-bit search:  SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit...
32-bit search:  SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit...
64-bit search:  SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK...
32-bit search:  SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK...
64-bit search:  SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
32-bit search:  SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
64-bit search:  SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
32-bit search:  SOFTWARE\IBM\Java Development Kit...
Error msg:  This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 11.0.0 - 11.900.900

This is my root folder:

enter image description here

This is my service folder:

enter image description here

And this is my Launch4J xml configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

When i run this on a computer that has java installed, the exe works. Clearly it is picking up the jre from the system. When i run this on a computer where java is missing, i am getting:

This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 11.0.0 - 11.900.900

The strange thing is that the log states that bundled javaw.exe is found:

Check launcher: D:\service\adoptium\bin\javaw.exe (OK)

Am i missing something here?


  • Seems like you need to change the option in tag <requiresJdk> from true to false. I've tested launch4j 3.50 just now on my app with similar config and it worked fine with this min config:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>