
I do I create one row for each unique timestamp in this dataframe?

I have the following data frame in R that looks like this. Each depth and timestamp have a unique value. I can't figure out how to collapse the data frame to get rid of the NAs and have 1 row for each timestamp.

time depth1 depth2 depth3
t1 value NA NA
t1 NA value NA
t1 NA NA value
t2 value NA NA
t2 NA value NA
t2 NA NA value

I worked out a code that gave me unique depths for each row and unique timestamps for each column, resulting in a very wide data frame.

How can I reduce the rows to a single time stamp? I need a dataframe that looks like this:

time d1 d2 d3
t1 v1 v2 v3
t2 v1 v2 v3
t3 v1 v2 v3

I have tried a bunch of different things including spread(depth_ft, value) but have not had any luck.

The original data is like this:

time depth value
t1 d1 v1
t1 d2 v2
t1 d3 v3
t2 d1 v1
t2 d2 v2
t2 d3 v3


  • Please try

    ~time,  ~depth, ~value,
    't1',   'd1',   'v1',
    't1',   'd2',   'v2',
    't1',   'd3',   'v3',
    't2',   'd1',   'v1',
    't2',   'd2',   'v2',
    't2',   'd3',   'v3'
    ) |> pivot_wider(id_cols = time, names_from = depth, values_from = value)

    Created on 2023-07-07 with reprex v2.0.2

    # A tibble: 2 × 4
      time  d1    d2    d3   
      <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
    1 t1    v1    v2    v3   
    2 t2    v1    v2    v3