I want PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry) route to a landing page. I have an application called app-service
, it has a landing page which can be accessed by the link localhost:8080/app-service/info
. How can I configure in Manifest.yml file for PCF so that simply clicking on route which is available in Pivotal Cloud Foundry AppsManager Dashboard to a landing page.
Currently after making deployment in PCF, when I click the link (which is route) in dashboard page, it say Whitelabel Error Page
. So the requirement is to redirect PCF route to a landing page in Spring Boot.
To map routes to your app:
, click Routes
.Map a Route
.Choose Protocol
, select either HTTP1
or HTTP2
.Based on: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Application-Service/3.0/tas-for-vms/manage-apps.html
If you want to map a route during deployment add following to the manifest.yml
- route: pcf-host.your-domain.com/app-service/info
Based on: https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/manifest-attributes.html#routes