I'm trying to run vite preview
and use the react profiler in dev tools, but I can only get the profiler working if I run vite --profile
which is a dev build, and I need production.
I've tried this suggestion: https://gist.github.com/bvaughn/25e6233aeb1b4f0cdb8d8366e54a3977?permalink_comment_id=4192069#gistcomment-4192069 but no luck.
I run vite build
which generates a production build, but my issue is that the profile is never enabled (i.e. not included in the production build). I've tried running vite build --profile
but no luck either.
The docs are pretty light on this issue as far as I can tell.
Aliasing react-dom/client
(for SPAs) to react-dom/profiling
at build time should do the trick:
// vite.config.ts
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
const profiling = isProduction && {
"react-dom/client": "react-dom/profiling",
export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
alias: {