So I have some function with animation:
func animateScan() {
topConstraint.constant = frame.height
UIView.animate(withDuration: 2.5) {
I call animateScan()
in my ViewController on button tap as a sync functions. So after this function I call another function to present another ViewController. In animateScan()
I have animation with 2.5 duration, but UIView.animate, as I understand Is async function, so when I call it I just setup animation, and animateScan()
finishes without waiting this 2.5sec.
So my question is, can I somehow force animateScan()
function to wait this 2.5 animation? Can I make UIVIew.animate
to be synchronous?
P.S. I don't want to use completion closure in UIview.animate
You can wrap your method up as an async
func animateScan() async {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
// ... whatever ...
UIView.animate(withDuration: 2.5) {
// ... whatever ...
} completion: { _ in
Now when you call animateScan()
by saying await
in an async
context, your code will magically pause and wait for completion before resuming.