
Spring Batch 5 With Scheduler

I'd like to make a new project with Spring Batch 5. There is already existing project with Spring Web based on @Scheduled annotation, and I'd like to convert that business logics to Spring Boot 5.

Here's my fundamental question

I've tried to search tutorials for this task for a week, but I couldn't find what I want. I attach the source code of the OpenApiJob.class (Please ignore the Korean letters)

public class OpenApiJob {

    // Job build 및 순서 정의
    public Job hospitalDataJob(Step step, JobRepository jobRepository) {
        return new JobBuilder("myJob",jobRepository)
                .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())

    @JobScope    // JobParameter를 보내므로 설정
    public Step openApiFristStep(JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
        return new StepBuilder("myStep", jobRepository)
                .<HospitalFullDataResponse.HospitalItem[], HospitalFullDataResponse.HospitalItem[]>chunk(1, transactionManager) // Input, Output, chunk 사이즈

    // 데이터를 읽어오는 ItemReader 인터페이스의 커스텀 구현체
    public OpenApiReader openApiReader(){
        return new OpenApiReader();

    // 읽어온 데이터를 가공 후 반환하는 ItemProcessor 인터페이스의 커스텀 구현체
    public OpenApiProcessor dataEditProcessor() {
        return new OpenApiProcessor();

    // 가공 되어진 데이터들(Chunk)를 DB 혹은 특정 파일에 작성하는 ItemWriter 인터페이스의 커스텀 구현체
    public OpenApiWriter dataInsertWrite() {
        return new OpenApiWriter();

How can I run hospitalDataJob with scheduling? As far as I searched, I may need to implement the JobLauncher, but I really cannot find how to do that.

Any recommendations and answers will be helpful.

There is already existing project with Spring Web based on @Scheduled annotation, and I'd like to convert that business logics to Spring Boot 5. But I don't know how to launch the job periodically.

#1 update

I attach further more information about the project.


      schema: classpath:org/springframework/batch/core/schema-mysql.sql
      initialize-schema: always
      enabled: false


public class BatchApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
                SpringApplication.run(BatchApplication.class, args);



  • There is no need to implement a JobLauncher. You can define a scheduled method that runs periodically according to the required schedule and launch the job in it using the built-in JobLauncher. Here is an example:

    public class BatchApplication {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                    SpringApplication.run(BatchApplication.class, args);
        @Scheduled(cron = "* 10 * * * *") // define schedule as needed
        public void runJob(@Autowired JobLauncher jobLauncher, @Autowired Job job) throws Exception {
            JobParameters parameters = new JobParameters();
            // add parameters as needed
            jobLauncher.run(job, parameters);