I am looking to plot different variants in a gene on R/RStudio. I am ultimately looking to plot different mutations/variants inside the gene, and do it on both sides to compare new findings.
I was using the g3viz package, but since I needed to use different colours to better map functional domain, I switched to the TrackViewer package.
I am using this particular example and modelling my code on the example of pulling the EMBL-EBI API on here, but I keep hitting this error about the organism ID not being found and I am unsure of how to rectify this.
When I skipped those two lines of code and ran it again.
library(httr) # load library to get data from REST API
APIurl <- "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteins/api/" # base URL of the API
taxid <- "9606" # human tax ID
gene <- "TP53" # target gene
orgDB <- "org.Hs.eg.db" # org database to get the uniprot accession id
eid <- mget("TP53", get(sub(".db", "SYMBOL2EG", orgDB)))[[1]]
**Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'envir' in selecting a method** for function 'mget': object 'org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG' not found
Full code segment from below link
library(httr) # load library to get data from REST API
APIurl <- "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteins/api/" # base URL of the API
taxid <- "9606" # human tax ID
gene <- "TP53" # target gene
orgDB <- "org.Hs.eg.db" # org database to get the uniprot accession id
eid <- mget("TP53", get(sub(".db", "SYMBOL2EG", orgDB)))[[1]]
chr <- mget(eid, get(sub(".db", "CHR", orgDB)))[[1]]
accession <- unlist(lapply(eid, function(.ele){
mget(.ele, get(sub(".db", "UNIPROT", orgDB)))
stopifnot(length(accession)<=20) # max number of accession is 20
tryCatch({ ## in case the internet connection does not work
featureURL <- paste0(APIurl,
"&taxid=", taxid,
"&accession=", paste(accession, collapse = "%2C")
response <- GET(featureURL)
content <- content(response)
content <- content[[1]]
acc <- content$accession
sequence <- content$sequence
gr <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(1, nchar(sequence)))
domains <- do.call(rbind, content$features)
domains <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(as.numeric(domains[, "begin"]),
as.numeric(domains[, "end"]),
names = domains[, "description"]))
names(domains)[1] <- "DNA_BIND" ## this is hard coding.
domains$fill <- 1+seq_along(domains)
domains$height <- 0.04
## GET variations. This part can be replaced by user-defined data.
variationURL <- paste0(APIurl,
"&taxid=", taxid,
"&accession=", acc)
response <- GET(variationURL)
content <- content(response)
content <- content[[1]]
keep <- sapply(content$features, function(.ele) length(.ele$evidences)>2 && # filter the data by at least 2 evidences
!grepl("Unclassified", .ele$clinicalSignificances)) # filter the data by classified clinical significances.
nkeep <- c("wildType", "alternativeSequence", "begin", "end",
"somaticStatus", "consequenceType", "score")
content$features <- lapply(content$features[keep], function(.ele){
.ele$score <- length(.ele$evidences)
variation <- do.call(rbind, content$features)
variation <-
IRanges(as.numeric(variation[, "begin"]),
width = 1,
names = paste0(variation[, "wildType"],
variation[, "begin"],
variation[, "alternativeSequence"])),
score = as.numeric(variation[, "score"]),
color = as.numeric(factor(variation[, "consequenceType"]))+1)
variation$label.parameter.gp <- gpar(cex=.5)
lolliplot(variation, domains, ranges = gr, ylab = "# evidences", yaxis = FALSE)
message("Can not get variations. http error")
message("Can not get features. http error")
**ERROR: unable to find an inherited method for function 'content' for signature '"response"'**
LINK TO THE PACKAGE: https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/trackViewer/inst/doc/lollipopPlot.html
So, this worked for me and produces an mutation plot that I can work with!
library(httr) # load library to get data from REST API
APIurl <-"https://www.ebi.ac.uk/proteins/api/" # base URL of the API
taxid <- "9606" # human tax ID
gene <- "PCDH19" # target gene
orgDB <- "org.Hs.eg.db" #
org database to get the uniprot accession id
eid <- mget("PCDH19", get(sub(".db", "SYMBOL2EG", orgDB)))[[1]]
chr <- mget(eid, get(sub(".db", "CHR", orgDB)))[[1]]
accession <- unlist(lapply(eid, function(.ele){
mget(.ele, get(sub(".db", "UNIPROT", orgDB)))
stopifnot(length(accession)<=20) # max number of accession is 20
tryCatch({ ## in case the internet connection does not work
featureURL <- paste0(APIurl,
"&taxid=", taxid,
"&accession=", paste(accession, collapse = "%2C")
response <- GET(featureURL)
content <- httr::content(response)
content <- content[[1]]
acc <- content$accession
sequence <- content$sequence
gr <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(1, nchar(sequence)))
domains <- do.call(rbind, content$features)
domains <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(as.numeric(domains[, "begin"]),
as.numeric(domains[, "end"]),
names = domains[, "description"]))
names(domains)[1] <- "" ## this is hard coding.
domains$fill <- 1+seq_along(domains)
domains$height <- 0.04
## GET variations. This part can be replaced by user-defined data.
variationURL <- paste0(APIurl,
"&taxid=", taxid,
"&accession=", acc)
response <- GET(variationURL)
content <- httr::content(response)
content <- content[[1]]
keep <- sapply(content$features, function(.ele) length(.ele$evidences)>2 && # filter the data by at least 2 evidences
!grepl("Unclassified", .ele$clinicalSignificances)) # filter the data by classified clinical significances.
nkeep <- c("wildType", "alternativeSequence", "begin", "end",
"somaticStatus", "consequenceType", "score")
content$features <- lapply(content$features[keep], function(.ele){
.ele$score <- length(.ele$evidences)
variation <- do.call(rbind, content$features)
variation <-
IRanges(as.numeric(variation[, "begin"]),
width = 1,
names = paste0(variation[, "wildType"],
variation[, "begin"],
variation[, "alternativeSequence"])),
score = as.numeric(variation[, "score"]),
color = as.numeric(factor(variation[, "consequenceType"]))+1)
variation$label.parameter.gp <- gpar(cex=.5)
lolliplot(variation, domains, ranges = gr, ylab = "# evidences", yaxis = FALSE)
message("Can not get variations. http error")
message("Can not get features. http error")