
SQLAlchemy ORM: translate between None in SQLAchemy ORM instance attributes to a specific database column value?

SQLAlchemy ORM generally turns instance attributes that are None into NULL column values in the database (and vice-versa), but I'd like SQLAlchemy to convert between None values in the ORM and a specific value in the database (e.g. MyTable(latitude=None) is tied to mytable.latitude=-999.9 in the database).

Is there a way get SQLAlchemy to translate back and forth between None in ORM models and specific values in the database?


  • You can achieve this in SQLAlchemy with event listeners. In particular, with Mapper Events and Session Events.

    I will use these event listeners: before_insert, before_update, loaded_as_persistent to demonstrate how to do it. There might be other related events you will need to modify.

    Here's the example:

    from sqlalchemy import create_engine, event, select
    from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase, Mapped, mapped_column, sessionmaker
    engine = create_engine(
    Session = sessionmaker(
    class Base(DeclarativeBase):
    class Test(Base):
        __tablename__ = "test"
        id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
        data: Mapped[float] = mapped_column()
    @event.listens_for(Test, 'before_insert')
    def my_before_insert_listener(mapper, connection, target):
        if target.data is None:
            print("before_insert triggered.")
            target.data = -999.9
    @event.listens_for(Test, 'before_update')
    def receive_before_update(mapper, connection, target):
        if target.data is None:
            print("before_update triggered.")
            target.data = -999.9
    @event.listens_for(Session, 'loaded_as_persistent')
    def receive_before_attach(session, instance):
        if type(instance) == Test and instance.data == -999.9:
            print("loaded_as_persistent triggered.")
            instance.data = None
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # saving data, one with data=None, one with data=100
        print("# Saving initial data:")
        with Session() as session:
            session.add(Test(id=2, data=100))
        print("# Reading saved values:")
        with Session() as session:
            test1 = session.get(Test, 1)
            print(f"A field value of -999.9 is rendered as {test1.data}.")
            test2 = session.get(Test, 2)
            print(f"A field value of 100 is rendered as {test2.data}.")
        print("# Updating field value of 100 to None:")
        with Session() as session:
            test2 = session.get(Test, 2)
            test2.data = None
        print("# Reading the updated value.")
        with Session() as session:
            test2 = session.scalar(select(Test).filter_by(id=2))
            print(f"A field value of -999.9 is rendered as: {test2.data}")

    Sample output:

    # Saving initial data:
    before_insert triggered.
    # Reading saved values:
    loaded_as_persistent triggered.
    A field value of -999.9 is rendered as None.
    A field value of 100 is rendered as 100.0.
    # Updating field value of 100 to None:
    before_update triggered.
    # Reading the updated value.
    loaded_as_persistent triggered.
    A field value of -999.9 is rendered as: None

    Table values from the database:

    |id |data  |
    |1  |-999.9|
    |2  |-999.9|

    PS: You might want to just use getter/setter methods.