I have a byte array that stores an unsigned 16 bit number, and I want to use my personal memcpy() to create a function that will add zeros when creating an int array.
void* Mymem_cpy(void* dest, void* src, int n)
if (dest == NULL) return NULL;
char* char_dest = (char*)dest;
char* char_src = (char*)src;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
char_dest[i] = char_src[i];
return dest;
unsigned char bytes[8]{ 179, 16, 0, 0, 0, 40, 92, 0, 0 };
int IntArray[2];
Mymem_cpy(&IntArray bytes, 8);
After that, the IntArray array will contain 2 numbers (4275, and 23592), which is correct.
The problem is that the original bytes array looks like this
unsigned char bytesInput[4]{ 179, 16, 40, 92 };
Without zeros. Is it possible to rewrite the Mymem_cpy function so that it automatically sets zeros where I need them for this task?
You need just two indexes
void* Mymem_cpy(void* dest, void* src, int n)
if (dest == NULL) return NULL;
char* char_dest = (char*)dest;
char* char_src = (char*)src;
for (int s = 0, d = 0; s < n; s += 2, d += sizeof(int))
char_dest[d] = char_src[s];
char_dest[d + 1] = char_src[s + 1];
for (int j = 2; j < sizeof(int); ++j)
char_dest[d + j] = 0;
return dest;
Alternatively use std::memset
with zero at the function beginning instead of the inner loop.