
repartition in memory vs file

repartition() creates partition in memory and is used as a read() operation. partitionBy() creates partition in disk and is used as a write operation.

  1. How can we confirm there is multiple files in memory while using repartition()
  2. If repartition only creates partition in memory articles.repartition(1).write.saveAsTable("articles_table", format = 'orc', mode = 'overwrite') , why does this operation only creates one file? And how is this different from partitionBy()?


  • partitionBy indeed has an effect on how your files will look on disk, and indeed is used when writing a file (it is a method of the DataFrameWriter class).

    That, however, does not mean that the repartition has no effect at all on what will be written to disk.

    Let's take the following example:

    df = spark.createDataFrame([
    ], ["colA", "colB", "colC"])

    In here, we create a simple dataframe and write it away using 2 methods:

    1) By using partitionBy

    The output file structure on disk looks like this:

    tree using_partitionBy.parquet/
    ├── colA=1
    │   ├── part-00000-17e47d08-2bbe-4ad6-809e-c466b396de4e.c000.snappy.parquet
    │   └── part-00002-17e47d08-2bbe-4ad6-809e-c466b396de4e.c000.snappy.parquet
    ├── colA=2
    │   └── part-00001-17e47d08-2bbe-4ad6-809e-c466b396de4e.c000.snappy.parquet
    ├── colA=3
    │   └── part-00001-17e47d08-2bbe-4ad6-809e-c466b396de4e.c000.snappy.parquet
    ├── colA=5
    │   ├── part-00002-17e47d08-2bbe-4ad6-809e-c466b396de4e.c000.snappy.parquet
    │   └── part-00003-17e47d08-2bbe-4ad6-809e-c466b396de4e.c000.snappy.parquet
    └── _SUCCESS

    We see that this created 6 "subfiles", in 4 "subdirectories". Information about the data values (like colA=1) is actually stored on disk. This enables you to do big improvements in subsequent queries that would need to read this file. Imagine that you would need to read all the values where colA=1, that would be a trivial task (ignore the other subdirectories).

    2) By using repartition(4)

    The output file structure on disk looks like this:

    tree using_repartition.parquet/
    ├── part-00000-6dafa06d-cea6-4af0-ba0d-9c761de0fd50-c000.snappy.parquet
    ├── part-00001-6dafa06d-cea6-4af0-ba0d-9c761de0fd50-c000.snappy.parquet
    ├── part-00002-6dafa06d-cea6-4af0-ba0d-9c761de0fd50-c000.snappy.parquet
    ├── part-00003-6dafa06d-cea6-4af0-ba0d-9c761de0fd50-c000.snappy.parquet
    └── _SUCCESS

    We see that 4 "subfiles" were created and NO "subdirectories" were made. Actually these "subfiles" represent your partitions inside of Spark. Since you're typically working with very big data in Spark, all your data has to be partitioned some way.

    Each partition will be processed by 1 task, which can be taken up by 1 core of your cluster. Once this task is taken up by a core and after doing all the necessary processing, your core will write away this output on disk in one of these "subfiles". When it has finished writing away this "subfile", your core is ready to read another partition.

    When to use partitionBy and repartition

    This is a bit opinionated and surely not exhaustive, but might give you some insight into what to use.

    partitionBy and repartition can be used for different goals: