
Bug with Parenthesis in QFileDialog

Here some code where opens default windows dialog and user can select file which name starts with prefixName and ends with ".log"

void doSomething(QString prefixName) {
    auto result = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open log file"), path, QString(tr("%1 Log Files (%1*.log);;All Log Files(*.log)")).arg(prefixName));  
    if (result) {
        // do something

Everything works fine when prefixName contains just one word, i.e. prefixName = my_server:


are shown

but if prefixName contains ) no files will be shown. Let's assume prefixName = my_server(007). I expect


files will be shown, but they don't

Why it can't list files with nested parenthesis?


  • After some while I found answer which works, but in not that way I was expecting. Result:

    class LogFilterProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel
        QRegExp m_regexp{".*"}; // by default accept all
        LogFilterProxyModel(QRegExp regexp) { m_regexp = regexp; }
        void setRegexp(QRegExp re) { m_regexp = re; }
        virtual bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex& sourceParent) const override
            if (!sourceParent.isValid()) { return true; }
            QFileSystemModel* fileModel = qobject_cast<QFileSystemModel*>(sourceModel());
            QModelIndex index0 = fileModel->index(sourceRow, 0, sourceParent);
            // Don't apply filter on directories
            if (fileModel == nullptr || fileModel->isDir(index0)) { return true; }
            return m_regexp.exactMatch(index0.data().toString());
    void someOtherFunc(QString configName) {
        QString escapedConfigPath {configName};
        escapedConfigPath.replace("(", "\\(").replace(")", "\\)");
        QFileDialog dialog(this);
        const QRegExp specificLogsRegex (escapedConfigPath + ".*\\.log");
        const QRegExp anyLogRegex (".*\\.log");
        LogFilterProxyModel* pLogFilter = new LogFilterProxyModel(specificLogsRegex);
        QString filter1 {tr("%1 Log Files (*.log)").arg(configName)};
        QString filter2 {tr("All Log Files (*.log)")};
        dialog.setNameFilters({filter1, filter2});
        connect(&dialog, &QFileDialog::filterSelected, this, [&](const QString& curFilter){
            if (curFilter == filter1) {
            } else if (curFilter == filter2) {

    I wanted on line QString filter1 {tr("%1 Log Files (*.log)").arg(configName)}; to search by %1 Log Files (%1*.log)".arg(configName) (which will show to user which files are being searched by file dialog), but it starts searching incorrect with parentheses, so I gave up and left it as is.
    This solution searches all .log files in the directory and only then applies custom regexp filter to them