
What am I doing wrong here? - Bit Manipulation

I have a very specific issue.

I'm doing a project for school which is simply a Ping Pong game using a 5x7 Led Matrix in Arduino UNO.

The problem is with the part of the ball, I can make it bounce no problem in the X position, but there is something weird going in with the Y position.

Here is the code just for the ball:

long prevMoveTime = millis(), currentMoveTime; // Variables for asynchronous drawBall method.
int ballPosX = B00100, ballPosY = B1110111; // X & Y positions of the ball with their initial values.
bool ballDirX = true, ballDirY = true; // Direction on the ball (true = left/up, false = right/down).

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++) { pinMode(i, OUTPUT); }

  PORTB = ballPosX;
  PORTD = ballPosY;

void drawBall() {
  currentMoveTime = millis();

  switch (ballPosX) {
    case B10000: ballDirX = true; break;
    case B00001: ballDirX = false; break;

  switch (ballPosY) {
    case B0111111: ballDirY = true; break;
    case B1111110: ballDirY = false; break;

  if (currentMoveTime - prevMoveTime > 1000) {
    if (ballDirX) { ballPosX >>= 1; }
    else { ballPosX <<= 1; }

    PORTB = ballPosX;

    if (ballDirY) { ballPosY >>= 1; ballPosY |= B1000000; }
    else { ballPosY <<= 1; ballPosY |= B0000001; }

    PORTD = ballPosY;

    prevMoveTime = currentMoveTime;

void loop() {

So basically, there is something weird going on where it won't read the binary value B0111111 and thus the ballDirY bool won't change value.

I've tried about everything I could:

The first conclusion I've come to is that something is happening with the B0111111 value, the row in the matrix does receive the signal so clearly ballPosY = B0111111, but the switch either won't read it or ballDirY won't change value.

The second conclusion I've come to is that I'm simply stupid and there is something I haven't noticed lol.

Thanks in advance for any answers and fell free to let me know if I'm just dumb lmao.


  • When you shift left, you are not clearing out unused bits (7-15). On Arduino, int is 16 bits, so, for example, when you shift 1000001 << 1 you get 10000010 and not 0000010, as you seem to be expecting.

    To clear the bits, make a mask with the bits you want to use set and the extra bits clear. In your code this would be B0000000001111111 Then, & (AND) that with your value.

    Here's an example program that DOES NOT clear the bits, to demonstrate the error:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <bitset>
    #include <cstdint>
    enum {UP, DOWN};
    const uint16_t ALL_ROWS        = 0b1111111;
    const uint16_t TOP_ROW_MASK    = 0b0111111;
    const uint16_t BOTTOM_ROW_MASK = 0b1111110;
    const uint16_t TOP_ROW         = 0b1000000;
    const uint16_t BOTTOM_ROW      = 0b0000001;
    int main()
        uint16_t ballPosY = 0b1110111;
        uint8_t ballDirY = UP;
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            if (ballPosY == TOP_ROW_MASK) {
                ballDirY = DOWN;
            else if (ballPosY == BOTTOM_ROW_MASK) {
                ballDirY = UP;
            if (ballDirY == DOWN) {
                ballPosY = (ballPosY >> 1) | TOP_ROW;
                std::cout << "DOWN: ";
            else {
                ballPosY = ((ballPosY << 1) | BOTTOM_ROW);
                std::cout << "UP  : ";
            // Use a bitset for printing
            std::bitset<16> bits(ballPosY);
            std::cout << bits << '\n';
        return 0;

    And the output is:

    UP  : 0000000011101111
    UP  : 0000000111011111
    UP  : 0000001110111111
    UP  : 0000011101111111
    UP  : 0000111011111111
    UP  : 0001110111111111
    UP  : 0011101111111111
    UP  : 0111011111111111
    UP  : 1110111111111111
    UP  : 1101111111111111
    UP  : 1011111111111111
    UP  : 0111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111
    UP  : 1111111111111111

    If you take the code above and replace

    ballPosY = ((ballPosY << 1) | BOTTOM_ROW);


    ballPosY = ((ballPosY << 1) | BOTTOM_ROW) & ALL_ROWS;

    the output will be correct:

    UP  : 0000000001101111
    UP  : 0000000001011111
    UP  : 0000000000111111
    DOWN: 0000000001011111
    DOWN: 0000000001101111
    DOWN: 0000000001110111
    DOWN: 0000000001111011
    DOWN: 0000000001111101
    DOWN: 0000000001111110
    UP  : 0000000001111101
    UP  : 0000000001111011
    UP  : 0000000001110111
    UP  : 0000000001101111
    UP  : 0000000001011111
    UP  : 0000000000111111
    DOWN: 0000000001011111
    DOWN: 0000000001101111
    DOWN: 0000000001110111
    DOWN: 0000000001111011
    DOWN: 0000000001111101

    Note: in my code I use a bunch of constants to make the code easier to read. I also use 0b to designate a binary number since my compiler does not support B.

    Also, I use uint16_t instead of int to ensure the value is 16 bits, like on the Arduino. It is also unsigned. I recommend always using unsigned for bit masks.