I'm trying to rewrite two pieces of SQL Server code to PostgreSQL.
The 1st one is:
(DATEADD(S, Submit_Date, '1970-01-01')) >= DATEADD(d, -3, GETDATE())
(DATEADD(S, Last_Changed_Date, '1970-01-01')) >= DATEADD(d, -3, GETDATE())
I keep getting an error regarding the S after the DATEADD
The 2nd one is this:
WHERE (dbo.Test.[Log] LIKE '%%Status: Closed%%')
GROUP BY dbo.PYR.ID_Number
I need help for the mentioned SQL Server code lines to be modified for PostreSQL.
Any suggestions how they should be?
Thank you.
('1970-01-01'::timestamp + interval '1 second' * submit_date) >= now()+interval '-3 days'
('1970-01-01'::timestamp + interval '1 second' * Last_Changed_date) >= now()+interval '-3 days'
WHERE (dbo.Test."Log" ILIKE '%%Status: Closed%%')
GROUP BY dbo.PYR.ID_Number