Hi guys. I am not understanding how to set up a call/sms forwarding and recording. I have tried whit flows. I can see the inbound call, but there is no forwarding and no recording. I am trying to forward to a +972 phone number, could this be a problem?
**My goal is simple - I wish the call be immediately recorded and forwarded. Same goes for SMS. Nothing complicated. ** Thanks.
tried setting up bins and flows. Nothing seemed to work.
You can record an inbound call or an outbound call using the Dial verb with a record attribute in a Twiml Bins (zero coding required) or by following this Twilio Studio walk-through (zero coding required).
Here is the Twiml to record a call:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dial record="record-from-ringing">
If for some reason you cannot record or forward a call it could be due to a limitation with a free/trial plan.
Twilio also makes this resource available "Legal Considerations with Recording Voice and Video Communications".