I want to implement Digit struct which should be initialized by integer literal.
let digit: Digit = 5
But swift shouldn't allow doing this (or, as an option, an exception should be raised):
let digit: Digit = 15
I wrote this code but it's not looking good:
struct Digit: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int
var description: String {
var value: IntegerLiteralType {
// Unfortunately, set throws can't be implemented, only get throws.
willSet(newValue) {
if 0...9 ~= value {
self.value = newValue
init(integerLiteral: IntegerLiteralType) {
if 0...9 ~= integerLiteral {
value = integerLiteral
} else {
// This is definitely not good and may cause side effects.
// But init for ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral can't be failable.
value = 0
init?(from char: Character?) {
guard let char,
let newValue = IntegerLiteralType(String(char)),
0...9 ~= newValue
else {
return nil
value = newValue
How may I overcome this in Swift 5.8? I guess in next version Macros may be used for this but unfortunately I my Swift version still doesn't have them..
Thank you.
Producing an compiler error for all numbers except 0-9 is not possible, the best you can do is to maximise the range of numbers that would produce a compiler error, by using the smallest IntegerLiteralType
, and do fatalError
for other numbers.
struct Digit: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
let value: UInt8
init(integerLiteral value: UInt8) {
guard (0...9).contains(value) else {
fatalError("Digit must be between 0 and 9!")
self.value = value
Since I used UInt8
as the IntegerLiteralType
, things like this would not compile:
let x: Digit = 1000
And things like this would fatalError
let x: Digit = 10
Since there are only 10 valid values for this, an alternative you could consider is using an enum
. Enum cases can't start with digits, so you'd need something in front:
enum Digit: UInt8 {
case _0
case _1
case _2
case _3
case _4
case _5
case _6
case _7
case _8
case _9