I used svycoxph from the survey package to create an object based on a complex survey design:
object <- svycoxph(Surv(time, status) ~ group, design=design)
And then I used predict() as documented here on page 88 to predict curves and plot them:
prediction <- predict(object, type="curve", newdata = data.frame(group=c("A", "B")) )
My group variable is a factor with levels A and B. Is list 1 A and list 2 B? I assumed this was the case, but the results are the opposite of what I expected. When I open the object in the source pane, there is no labeling beyond list 1 and 2 (no A or B labeled anywhere).
Is there any way the curves got flipped? Are the results possibly listed alphabetically instead of in factor order?
Here is my solution, I didn't get any errors for having only one level. I am using the example in survey and just modified the predict statement.
data(pbc, package="survival")
pbc$randomized<-with(pbc, !is.na(trt) & trt>0)
if (is.null(pbc$albumin)) pbc$albumin<-pbc$alb ##pre2.9.0
dpbc<-svydesign(id=~1, prob=~randprob, strata=~edema, data=subset(pbc,randomized))
s1<-predict(model,se=TRUE, type="curve",
newdata=data.frame(bili=c(3), protime=c(10), albumin=c(3.5)))
s2<-predict(model,se=TRUE, type="curve",
newdata=data.frame(bili=c(9), protime=c(10), albumin=c(3.5)))