I'm new to dpdk, please tell me if it's possible to bind multiple data_sender to a physical port?
At the moment I can process traffic and send it to a remote server via data_sender on one physical port (ip=; listen_port = 7001;). But so i can handle 7gb/s, and it's not enough.
Is it possible to configure a network card so that it balances traffic internally and forwards traffic to one physical port, but to different sockets? (ip=; listen_port1 = 7001;listen_port2 = 7002;)
You can use multiple tx_queues and cores. Try reading the rte_eth_dev_configure
, rte_eth_tx_queue_setup
, and rte_eal_mp_remote_launch
. Also go through dpdk-l2fwd
Yes, you can use rte_flow. You need to specify some matching pattern of your traffic and then apply the RTE_FLOW_ACTION_TYPE_SET_TP_DST
You can have a look at the dpdk-flow_filtering application to learn how to use rte_flow.