I'm trying to fetch some results with the new #Predicate macro. The problem appears when I try to use an enum
property inside the predicate. Does anyone know if it can be done or if this is a bug?
XCode 15 beta 4
Fetch 1:
let predicate = #Predicate<ModelA> { $0.type == ModelA.ModelAType.a }
Fetch 2:
let predicate = #Predicate<ModelA> { $0.type.rawValue == ModelA.ModelAType.a.rawValue }
@Model final class ModelA: Codable {
@Attribute(.unique) var id: Int64 = 0
enum ModelAType: Int, CaseIterable, Codable { case a = 1, b }
var type: ModelAType = ModelAType.a
Type 'ModelA.Type' cannot conform to 'StandardPredicateExpression'
Type 'ModelA.Type' cannot conform to 'PredicateExpression'
Cannot infer key path type from context; consider explicitly specifying a root type
As of Xcode 15.2 this doesn't seem to work at all if you want to use an enum in a predicate, a workaround is to store the raw value of the enum directly and use a computed property to convert between the stored value and the enum type.
What worked for me in this situation was to define a constant for the raw value and use that constant in the predicate
let aValue = ModelA.ModelAType.a.rawValue
let predicate = #Predicate<ModelA> { $0.type.rawValue == aValue }
I am not sure why this is needed but hopefully it’s a beta thing that will change soon